I am a simple Filipina with a huge dream of having a perfect family I keep on praying that in Gods perfect time, a wonderful man will come across my way and will be beside me through thick and thin u

Venice10: someday i will find you...
Procurando: Masculino idade 30 to 51
Status: 40 Solteiro Direto Fêmea
Interessado em: De outros
Etnia: Asiática
Vivo: Viva com os pais
Apanhador de Olhos: Sem resposta
Altura: 5'3 polegadas
Corpo: Sem resposta
Cabelo/olhos: Preto, Preto
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Nunca toque nele
Exercício 2 vezes por semana
Política: Sem resposta
Educação: Pós-graduação
Religião: Sem preferência
Renda: $15.001 a $25.000
Ocupação: Data Analyst
Descendência: Nenhum
Personalidade: Sem Resposta
País: Philippines

I am a simple Filipina with a huge dream of having a perfect family I keep on praying that in Gods perfect time, a wonderful man will come across my way and will be beside me through thick and thin until our last breath. I am a down to earth person, friendly, honest and loving. Trustworthy, loyal I am looking for a serious relationship. i love my family and friends so much.. .i love singing , reading novels and watching good movies..i also like long conversations face to face..i want someone who will love me for who i am.. I respect those who respect me and forget those who forget me. Simple as that. Its okey if he had a child I will accept them and treat them as my own. Lets give it a try..

Reading Books