hello im lisa am 49 years old am looking for a serious ltr im not a paying member I am not a up graded member either here is what I dont put up with or take part in if you are in sexual con

Lisamilligan: hello im here for a serious ltr...
Procurando: Masculino idade 49 to 55
Status: 54 Divorciado Direto Fêmea
Interessado em: Relacionamento de longo prazo
Etnia: Branco/caucasiano
Vivo: Viver sozinho
Apanhador de Olhos: Olhos
Altura: 5'6 polegadas
Corpo: Alguns quilos extras
Cabelo/olhos: Castanho, De outros
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Nunca toque nele
Exercício As vezes
Política: Nenhum
Educação: Colegial
Religião: cristão
Renda: Menos de US $15.000
Ocupação: Im Disabled
Descendência: Nenhum
Personalidade: Opinionated
País: United States

hello im lisa am 49 years old am looking for a serious ltr
im not a paying member I am not a up graded member either
here is what I dont put up with or take part in
if you are in
controlling possessive jealous
if you lie
if you drink do drugs gamble
if you claim you want a relationship and kick me aside it wont work
if you beat on woman if you cheat
if your agnostic atheist Satanist
if you have over protective family and friends who feel you will be better off staying where your at it wont work with me
here is what I will enjoy and take part of
a man who will go to church with me who is a true Christian who is man enough to all me on the phone not expect me to text them all the time I cant text due to my carpal tunnel and degenerative arthritis if you rather one text you all the time go find her yes I have hang out no I dont have watts app no I dont have kik no I wont down load them please dont ask me about them I have severe hearing loss I talk loud to hear what I say I am divorced I have no kids 21 years ago this October I had a total hysterectomy so no I cant have kids I like to go out and enjoy my self the only time I get out is to the doctor appo9ntments I take the hospital courtesy van or I take the oats transportation I have a fractured hip cant walk I go as far as my front porch when I take my dog out I have a 12 pointer 12 basset mix its a male I have a female multi colored female tiger you must be willing to relocate also you must live and work here in the states only I dont need any one or a serious ltr with any one who travels over seas to work I will give you my email so you can email me I will email you my number to reach me on thank you for viewing my profile may god bless im going to see how this goes if I dont get to know some of you on here I will close out my accnt im tired of searching im not playing around I like this questioned answered do I have to make so much per year for some one on here to take interest in me I like this answered please

Cleaning  Cooking  Playing Cards  Reading  Writing Poetry  
REQUISITOS DE CONTATO Nenhum contato é permitido se:

  • Você é um fêmea .
  • Você é mais que 50 Miles longe de mim.
  • Você é NÃO entre as idades de 49 e 55.
  • Você é NÃO a/an Christian.
  • Você fez NÃO responder no way fumar. Não é permitido fumar.
  • você não tem fotos de perfil beber excessivamente ter filhos