I am sensitive to my surrounding people feelings, needs, freedom, choice, desire, and is always willing to explore and create new avenue to minimize, aleviate or reduce problems and problematic situat

Sigmax: failure is a myth created into reality by d
Procurando: Fêmea idade 18 to 18
Status: 22 Solteiro Direto Masculino
Interessado em: Amizade
Etnia: Preto/africano
Vivo: Viver sozinho
Apanhador de Olhos: Privates
Altura: 6'0 polegadas
Corpo: Magro
Cabelo/olhos: Careca, Preto
Fumaça: De jeito nenhum
Beber: Nunca toque nele
Exercício As vezes
Política: Nenhum
Educação: diploma de bacharel
Religião: Sem preferência
Renda: Menos de US $15.000
Ocupação: Prefer Not To Say
Descendência: 1 criança
Personalidade: aventureiro
País: Jamaica

I am sensitive to my surrounding people feelings, needs, freedom, choice, desire, and is always willing to explore and create new avenue to minimize, aleviate or reduce problems and problematic situation which may leads to confrontation, misunderstanding or loss of trust.
Kindness is not about giving what is asked of you but rather to see ones needs in time of struggle and render assistance without been asked or prompt to give aid where it is necessary.

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